In order to get an annulment in the Catholic church you have to have 3 witnesses....I am having problems with the third witness no one can get a hold of him! I emailed Sr. Annette and she was going to call Sr. Maureen in Dubuque and see what she recommended. I find it weird you have to have 3 witness when you only need two to get married!!! My hubby brought this up the other night. I told Sr. Annette that I might have to just drop it and not proceed with it. All I really wanted was to be able to take communion and I can do that (Praise the Lord!). My other goal was to get confirmed but the way Sr. Annette talked I would have to wait until the annulment was finished. I really don't see why I have to wait for that to be over, it may not even happen and if it does it will take at least 9 - 12 months to complete! Sometimes I think the Catholic church needs to review their laws somethings just don't make sense! So I am at the point of just giving up on the whole thing.....I guess I will be an (in)complete Catholic for the rest of my life. Not happy.