Sunday, December 29, 2013

Stop Being A Control Freak!

I am a control freak!  I really hate to admit that, but it's true!  I come from a long line of control freaks, so I come by it honestly!  I am tired of being this way and want to change my ways (if that is possible).  I found a Christian based book called "Let It Go: How to Stop Running the Show and Start Walking in Faith" by Karen Ehman, and I've started to read it I think I'm on chapter 3 or 4.  What she is saying is making sense, so that is a step in the right direction! I really want to overcome this, I've prayed about it a lot and the good Lord directed me to this book. (It totally amazes me how God can just drop things in your lap just when you need them the most!  I was NOT looking for this book it just hit me in the face when I saw it on another blog!)  I really don't like being this way, and I know that half the battle has already been won because I can admit to being this way.  Hopefully I can put into practice what Karen is guiding me to do.

The one place I think this is going to help me the most is at work.  I have always been the leader, the one who puts out the fires, etc.  I would like for some of my co-workers to step up and try their hand at putting out some of the fires.  It's not that I'm tired of doing those things, but I need to NOT take on so much responsibility, and it's time for others to spread their wings and fly.

The one thing in the this book that bothered me the most,  was that she said that being a control freak is not letting God do what he needs to do and for me and to back off and let him take the lead!  Honestly I didn't think that  my desire to control had anything to do with Him, but I am finding out He wants to lead and that I must follow.  When you put it like that I guess I owe God an apology!  I didn't mean to step on His toes! LOL!

Hopefully 2014 will be a year of learning to let go and learning to follow!   

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Counting Your Blessings.....

I hear this all the time...."count your blessings".  Do you really count your blessings?  I for one probably don't do this on a regular basis, even though I should!  I got to thinking about that phrase the other day and realized I have many things to count as blessings.


  • Even though my daughter & grandchildren  live 5-1/2 hours away they are a blessing.  I didn't think that I would be a grandma at all since my daughter had had 7 miscarries in 3 years.  She has always wanted to adopt and that became her way of being a mother and my way of becoming a grandmother.  (being a grandma is BLESSING #1)

  • I am in a financial situation that is dire, but I don't seem to fret about it as much as I used to.  I think some of that is because I attend Mass on a regular basis which put my head where it needs to be.  I won't say that I don't flip out about once in awhile but for the most part I have given that over to God.  (not flipping out as much over my financial situation is BLESSING #2)

  • We do not have health care insurance and haven't had for the last four years....even though my husband has two diseases that will never get better and will only get worse we have stayed pretty health especially in the winter, the worst time ever for my husband he as severe COPD.  (not being sick and maintaining our health is BLESSING #3)

  • Having a job (thank you Jesus!) is always a blessing!  I actually like my job and consider the "girls" at work my extended family.  They are there no matter what I need, that is the definition of  family. (thankful for my work family is BLESSING #4)

  • I have a very supportive husband he is there no matter what happens.  He and I are the perfect match we think alike, we finish each others sentences, although we don't see eye to eye on religion (I'm Catholic he was baptised Presbyterian but doesn't attend church). For the most part we have each others back. (having him in my life is BLESSING #5)

I have many blessing in my life on a daily basis, I need to have more of an attitude of gratitude to the good Lord because things could be so much worse.  Blessings to all........