I can't believe that I have not posted since May! A lot has happened since then! My hubby became Catholic on Easter, we finally bought a house and have just moved in. We are by no means settled in yet but we are getting there! Our cats (we have three Siamese) are not all the way OK with the house. The youngest one Phin is doing fine it's the older 2 that are having a hard time especially my cat Chloe she will be 12 years old this October. We knew she would be our problem child!
On the church front we are still at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. We missed church 3 weeks in a row due to our very slow move. I just loved going to confession and telling Father we had missed 3 weeks in a row....he was understanding but I got a Hail Mary and an Our Father for it and my husband only got an Our Father!!! He said it was because he did his face to face....I didn't, I won't, it will never happen! I am old school give me the closet!!!!!
Here is another omission, I have not been praying at all!!!! I don't know what is wrong with me. I got into a huge texting fight with my sister who is absolutely nuts!!! She is so vindictive she needs major help. Well that has prompted me to start with prayer and end the day in prayer so maybe that is why this whole thing started with her. Anyway anything that gets me where I should be is a good thing!