Thursday, August 10, 2017

Losing A Loved One

I am so sad...our Lilac Point Siamese cat (2yrs old) had to be put down he was suffering from a lung condition that could not be fixed even by my father-in-law who is a veterinarian. This cat, Phinn was my husband's cat he had a host of things wrong with him but we loved him so.  He was so sweet and loving, funny, and a brat.  I never thought we would lose him so soon I thought we would have more time.

This is so hard for me I can only imagine what my hubby is going through he keeps things inside.  Of course, he's a man so he can't cry (I'm sure he does when I'm not around) but I don't I just let it all out....My Aunt died a couple of months ago I cried more for Phinn than I did for her. That is not something I am proud of, I guess the difference was I rarely saw her and Phinn was an everyday delight.  He was the best cat ever except when he was being a brat.  Why is it so hard to lose the pets? I pray he goes straight to heaven and is waiting for us to show the meantime, he can be my little angel looking down on us.

I miss you little buddy for as long as I live.....we shall see each other soon....hugs and kisses to you Phinn and your beautiful face that lighted up our life!

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Bible Journaling

Well, I have found a new website and I can't wait to share it!  The Littlest Way Jenny is a stay at home mom of 7 children and she is a Catholic home schooler.   Her site is amazing, she does a lot of bible journaling and prayer journaling.  Two things that I am going to try.  I am a faithful reader of the bible.  I read at the very least one chapter a day. I have found from doing this daily that I have become a lot more calm.  Being in the word each day is just a really good feeling.  I will for go housework to read my bible. Which makes me more of a "Mary" than a "Martha".  I noticed that I'm not as worried about "things" I figure that as long as I am doing God's will everything else will fall into place. I feel a change has happened since I started to read each day.  I'm not as snappy as I can be with my hubby. He will always get on my nerves just because he doesn't listen.....he hears but doesn't listen (like most men)!

If only I can do this at work, I get ticked at my Doctor when he does insane things like trying to do a crown prep (a 90-minute procedure) when they only gave us 30 minutes. Running behind drives me batty!!!! I am a planner person and I am one who is at least 15 minutes or more when arriving somewhere. I hope my new attitude can be shifted over to the work place! I guess we shall see!