Saturday, March 31, 2018


It's been awhile since I've posted....Life just gets in the way sometimes.  Here we are the day before Easter, I can't believe it's been 2 years since Chris was received into the Catholic Church!  Time flies when you are having fun!

We meant to go to at least one of the Stations of the Cross this year but it just escaped us. Ash Wednesday to now went by in a blur.  Chris has been battling with his COPD he has been rather sick for the last 6 weeks.  Hopefully, he is on the mend now!

I never found out what Chris gave up for Lent, but I gave up Facebook.....not a good choice since I don't FB much.  Next year I will have to think up something better to give up, probably Instagram I love Instagram!

We are not doing much for Easter just going to Mass (the early one 7:00am) then come home and make lunch...Ham and scallop potatoes, and corn yummy!  I will be glad that there are no more meatless Fridays since we both turned 60 this year we didn't have to fast.  It would have not been a good thing for me since I was diagnosed as a Type 2 Diabetic in January.  I was not thrilled about this in the least. Sometimes I really wonder if I am a diabetic I have NONE of the symptoms.  Oh well, it could be worse I could be insulin dependant like my hubby! Everybody has a cross to bare and I guess that is mine.