Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Another Door Slams Shut

We really thought we were on our way to seeing the light at the end of the tunnel  When low and behold the door slams shut once again.  We got my hubby's marriage licenses and thought that everything was in place, well we were wrong. Apparently the Tribunal was not happy because his ex-wife's baptismal record had her birth surname and the marriage license had her adopted name so they didn't match and they wanted documented proof it was the same person.  We called the courthouse and they said the record was sealed and it would take an act of God to get it unsealed, not to mention there was a flood in 2008 which probably destroyed the files anyway. So the Tribunal had Sr. Annette draw up an affidavit and we had to get two people to verify that she had been adopted therefore the name change.  My hubby dropped it off at the church and had some words for Sr. Annette about all the hoops they have made us jump through!  He also told her he was leaning towards maybe becoming Catholic but after all of this hoop jumping he thinks it wouldn't be worth it.

I totally get why they needed this information, but come on lets make it as difficult as you can.  I know being Catholic is privileged and I would NEVER be anything but Catholic, but they had a potential convert and the dwindling number of Catholic practicing their religion is very sad, but to put off someone considering conversion is just crazy. It's stuff like this that makes people leave the church in droves. Being nit picky about stuff is a real turn off.

Hopefully my hubby will reconsider but for now he just has a real bad taste in his mouth from all this!

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