Sunday, February 23, 2014

Forgiveness....What A Hard Thing To Do

forgive  [fer-giv]

verb (used with object), for·gave, for·giv·en, for·giv·ing.

1. to grant pardon for or remission of (an offense, debt, etc.); absolve. give up all claim on account of; remit (a debt, obligation, etc.). grant pardon to (a person). cease to feel resentment against: to forgive one's enemies. cancel an indebtedness or liability of: to forgive the interest owed on a loan.

To do this is very hard for some people, I am one of those people!  Sometimes I can forgive right now and other times I can't do this at all.  There are 2 people I need to forgive so I can move on, but have I done that? Heck NO!  How hard is it for you to forgive?  Does it depend on the person or the situation or both?  For the two that I need to forgive one is the situation, one is both.  How can I expect God to forgive me for my sins if I can't do the same for others? I totally struggle with this.  Since Lent is just around the corner, maybe this is the time to try to forgive.

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