I am officially on vacation for the next couple of weeks, the dentist that I work for has taken his wife to London and Paris for their 30th wedding anniversary. I hope they have fun....it's not something I would want to do, however I would like to go to Italy and see the Vatican someday!
We really don't have any plans just doing whatever on the spur of the minute! I have "things" I want to get done though, but it would be nice to maybe take a couple of "day" trips to some of the small towns around here, that I've never been to. I also am building a coop for the two roosters I'm bring home from the office....yes we have chickens at the dental office for patients to watch while they are getting numb....we have a couple of roos that don't really play nice with the others, so they are coming home with me.....as soon as the coop is finished.
One thing I would like to do is go to daily Mass while I have the chance to do it. At my church they usually have Mass each day so if I get to Mass a couple of times this week that would be great! The past two days I have not been able to attend because of prior commitments, but there is always the next two weeks!!!
I did have lunch with my friend Jenn.....she is so wonderful!!! I just love her she is young enough to be my daughter, but we have the best time together, so it was so much fun to see her today! We had lunch, then went to a pet store because she wants a cat.....she filled out the info for adopting....she found a male cat she fell in love with his name is Acorn!!! I actually have her cat Doc he is a Lynx Point Siamese she needed to get rid of because she was allergic to him....long story short her hubby doesn't like cats, but hubby is on the way out so............hello kitty!!!
I need to keep Jenn in my prayers as she starts her journey as a single parent.....she has two kids a 6yr old girl and a 2yr old boy. It will be hard at first but eventually she will adapt and move on, isn't that what you are supposed to do? She is also looking for a more contemporary church....she is Lutheran (about as close to Catholic as you can get) but does not want to keep going to the church she and her hubby go to now....besides his whole family goes there......time to find a nwe place to worship!!! So this is for you Jenn.....May the good Lord walk with you through this next journey and guide you in the right direction. I know you will be okay because of your strong faith in Him.....I'm always there for ya!!!
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