Sunday, July 27, 2014

Religious Intolerance

I really can't believe how people that (are not Catholic) go around putting down the Catholic Church. Unless you are willing to do some research on the Catholic Church why would you say anything nasty about the church or to someone who is Catholic?  I for one would NEVER even think to say anything negative about someones religion!!!!  What gives others the audacity to walk up to a Catholic and tell them that they should find a new religion because priests in the Catholic Church are nothing but "gay" or "pedophiles". WOW!

The other day I was talking to a lady that attends a Bible church, in the course of  the conversation she asked what religion I was and where I go to church.  I told her, and she immediately told me that Catholics don't go by the bible, that most of the Catholic Church is based on man made rules.  Another WOW!  I told her that it was not a true statement and she preceded to tell me that she knows lots of Catholics and she "knows" all about the Church.  Another WOW!   I tried to set her straight but she was not going to have any of it.

I for one have been to a few churches (for weddings/funerals) that were not Catholic and I would never say anything like that to any of them!!  Where are people's manners?  Personally I think the Mass is so can not be topped!  These other churches I've attended, seem to not have a structure to them, I always feel like they jump around a lot.....I am NOT putting them down it's just an observance I have made.

So here's to the people that don't think highly of the Catholic Church.....PLEASE come to Mass, find out what we do and what we say.....I think you will find that we do take everything from the bible,  my priest is not "gay" or a "pedophile" he is very loving, giving, and sometimes funny guy! Last but not least, respect my religion as I respect yours!

As always.....I will pray for you....

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