Sunday, August 17, 2014

A Change Of Plans

I went to Mass this morning and ran into Sr. Annette.....We talked about what my next step was to take and I was surprised to find out that I would not be able to get confirmed until my present marriage is valid, and to do that I need to make an appointment with Fr. Mark and there might be classes to attend, which is no big deal. I was a little worried that my hubby would not want to make a big deal out of this and could possibly decline to marry in the Church (this is something I do want to do!) I was not really shocked at his response but didn't  think that it would not be a resounding "whatever it takes, we will do it!" I know better than this he has always supported me in anything I've wanted to do!  He's a great guy, I've very lucky to have him!

So little by little I am inching toward being a "COMPLETE CATHOLIC".  I am so excited about the process, each step I take it that much closer to to my goal.  I'm not really in a big hurry to get all of this done I want to enjoy the journey as each task is started and completed.  Something that I probably would have not  wanted to do if  I were younger.....always in a hurry to get things done and over with.  I think this is the good Lord allowing this to happen at this time in my life when I can take it slow and appreciate each minute of the journey.  There are a lot of things that are not so great about getting older, but having patience and letting things unfold at a slower pace is one thing that is good!

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