Saturday, September 6, 2014

Attending Mass

In the spirit of trying to be the best Catholic I can be, I've tried for the last three weeks to go to Mass on my day off, however it's not working for me.  The first and second week I tried to go to Mass, and I was met with a funerals, the third week Mass was being said at another church and I didn't have time to make it over to the other church.  So I've been more than a little disappointed that I couldn't attend Mass.  I feel so much better after Mass and I wanted to have that feeling more often.  I wish I could go everyday!

I remember as a kid going to Catholic school we were expected to attend Mass everyday, first thing in the the time I thought it was a great big pain, (I would give anything to be able to do that now) and wished sometimes that I went to public school.).  Boy I really had it all when I was kid and didn't even appreciate it. I guess that's the way kids think. Now that I'm an adult I wish I could go back and do it all over again but of course with all the knowledge I have now, wouldn't that be great?  Unfortunately don't get a "do over".

So I will make the best of it and continue to try and attend Mass on my day off. I did go to Mass on Labor Day which was nice and there were more people there than I had thought.  So I'm not alone in my quest!

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