And again it's been forever since I"ve posted! I guess buying a house and trying to get things put in their place has taken up most of my time. I am still serving as an EM and am liking it more. We have a big EM meeting coming up on October 8th. I am signed up to go but not sure if I will make it. That is the week I have friday off and we might take a day trip to my hubby's home town. He has to clear up some stuff from his mother's death. It will be nice to be done with all of that. Of course if his mother knew he became Catholic she would be having a fit, she didn't like Catholics not really sure why someone would not like a Catholic just because of their religious choice, but whatever....she is one that needs to be prayed for! Hopefully in the future I will be better at posting! I just need to remember to do it! (Good lucky to me on that one!)
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