Sunday, August 25, 2013

I'm Back!

I deleted this blog out of frustration and anger.  Well, I'm back, things were looking bleak at the time and I just felt like too many people and things were requiring my full attention.  I'm still an incomplete Catholic!
My annulment has moved on, I was shocked that my ex actually answered the questionnaire that he was sent by the Dubuque Tribunal.  I thought for sure he would toss it as soon as he found out it was to annul our marriage. I was wrong.  I just want this to be over, rehashing of my marriage was the most exhausting thing I have ever done, not to mention the physical side of it, beside the huge headache, I feel like I've been beat up.  I just want to get this behind me asap!  I need to move on and put the past where it should be. I have better things to do than stew about things I can't do anything about.