Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Visiting Other Churches......Appreciating My Own Church

I have a friend that is a new Christian and is hungry for the word of God.  She has encompassed all religions and is now so mixed up on what she believes.  She wanted to try a co-workers church this past Sunday but didn't want to go alone, so I offered to go with her.  The church was a Free Evangelical Church which she said was right up her alley.   She loved the pastor and everything she heard.  I, on the other hand thought the entire service was, well, a jumbled up mess.  Of course you have to take into consideration that I am a cradle Catholic, who has only been to one other church in my entire life, which was a Lutheran church and since their service is so much like Mass I didn't feel uncomfortable in the least.

I will say this I came away from that service feeling like I had gotten NOTHING out of the service at all.  I realize that I'm used to a more structured service and was very uncomfortable with the casualness of  my co-workers service.  They did A LOT of singing and clapping of hands, they had a fully outfitted band, the songs were more contemporary, which I did enjoy, but there didn't seem to have a rhyme or reason to how they conducted the service.  I felt he jumped around a lot and could not connect his preaching to what he had just read in the bible.  I am not trying to criticize the pastor or his service, just comparing and contrasting the differences in the two churches.

This experience was eye opening to me.  I know Mass can at times be boring to some, because it's the same thing each week, but I have come to realize that no matter how boring people think Mass can be I for one, will never take the Mass for granted, it is beautiful, and it connects one to their religion in the deepest way.  When I go to Mass each week, I ALWAYS get something out of it.  I know in my heart of hearts that there is no other religion that I could be a part of.  I am a proud and devout Catholic who loves her religion!

Sunday, April 20, 2014