Thursday, February 5, 2015


Six Practical Steps to Catholic Joy

1.Surrender to Christ. Every day I recommit to putting Him first in all areas of my life.

2.Give up my burdens to Jesus in daily prayer. I can’t do it alone and I need His help!

3.Go to frequent Reconciliation. Unburdening my soul of sin brings me peace and joy.

4.Be thankful for my blessings. I can gripe about my problems or I can focus on all of the incredible blessings in my life and express my gratitude to the Lord in prayer.

5.Stay out of the “Catholic Cafeteria Line.” I fully accept the teachings of the Catholic Church and follow the Magisterium. I don’t follow the parts I like and reject those I do not like. I know that what I may not understand will be revealed to me over time if I have faith.

6.Start with the end in mind. Are my actions each day serving Him? I hope to hear Jesus say at the end of my life on earth, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” My goal is Heaven and I must live a life that leads me there.

I so loved this!!!  I copied it from The Integrated Catholic Life.  With Lent just around the corner it's time to reflect and prepare our hearts for the Resurrection.