Wednesday, August 26, 2015

RCIA....It has started!

We started classes for hubby is going to become Catholic! This is so exciting!  I am in the class as well so I can get confirmed.  I was a little nervous going to the first class but everyone was so nice I really think this group is going to be close knit.  We really like everyone there! Next week will be our 3rd class. I can't tell you how good I feel to be there.  I wish we had class more often. It sure beats the heck out of watching TV!

Since I've come back to the Catholic Church I've really started to delve into the faith a lot more.  I want to know everything.  So far any questions that I have had they have been able to answer for me.
I hope my hubby falls in love with the Catholic Church as I have.  Can't imagine being anything but Catholic. I LOVE my religion!!

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Prayer To Overcome Bitterness and Resentment

Father, I acknowledge that I've held resentment and bitterness against (name). I confess this as sin and ask You to forgive me. I forgive (name). Remind me, Lord, to not hold any more resentments, but rather to love this person. Father, I ask You to also forgive (name) . Thank You for hearing and answering my prayer. In Jesus' Holy Name, Amen.