Sunday, April 9, 2017

Palm Sunday

I love Palm Sunday! It's the beginning of Holy Week....we really wanted to go to Mass on Holy Thursday and Good Friday but I have a CPR class I have to be there goes Holy Thursday.....we can't make it to Good Friday either, maybe next year.  We had planned on going to at least one of the Stations of the Cross but it never worked out that we could go.

This year is an anniversary of sorts for my hubby he became Catholic last Easter. He is still learning....but is doing great!  He never has said that he didn't want to go to church and I think that is great and half the battle.  Some people are gun ho at first then they run out of steam after awhile, not him!!!

I will resume my Eucharistic ministering the Sunday after Easter.  I didn't do it all winter just because my hubby tends to been in the hospital during winter he has many health issues so it will be nice to get back to it, I have missed it.

Well I'm looking forward to the nicer weather and seeing old friends at Mass this Spring! We usually sit with Pat on Saturday night but she only comes during the warm months she is in her late 70's and has a bad leg she doesn't want to risk it in the Winter so it will be nice to get back to normal!