Thursday, August 10, 2017

Losing A Loved One

I am so sad...our Lilac Point Siamese cat (2yrs old) had to be put down he was suffering from a lung condition that could not be fixed even by my father-in-law who is a veterinarian. This cat, Phinn was my husband's cat he had a host of things wrong with him but we loved him so.  He was so sweet and loving, funny, and a brat.  I never thought we would lose him so soon I thought we would have more time.

This is so hard for me I can only imagine what my hubby is going through he keeps things inside.  Of course, he's a man so he can't cry (I'm sure he does when I'm not around) but I don't I just let it all out....My Aunt died a couple of months ago I cried more for Phinn than I did for her. That is not something I am proud of, I guess the difference was I rarely saw her and Phinn was an everyday delight.  He was the best cat ever except when he was being a brat.  Why is it so hard to lose the pets? I pray he goes straight to heaven and is waiting for us to show the meantime, he can be my little angel looking down on us.

I miss you little buddy for as long as I live.....we shall see each other soon....hugs and kisses to you Phinn and your beautiful face that lighted up our life!

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Bible Journaling

Well, I have found a new website and I can't wait to share it!  The Littlest Way Jenny is a stay at home mom of 7 children and she is a Catholic home schooler.   Her site is amazing, she does a lot of bible journaling and prayer journaling.  Two things that I am going to try.  I am a faithful reader of the bible.  I read at the very least one chapter a day. I have found from doing this daily that I have become a lot more calm.  Being in the word each day is just a really good feeling.  I will for go housework to read my bible. Which makes me more of a "Mary" than a "Martha".  I noticed that I'm not as worried about "things" I figure that as long as I am doing God's will everything else will fall into place. I feel a change has happened since I started to read each day.  I'm not as snappy as I can be with my hubby. He will always get on my nerves just because he doesn't listen.....he hears but doesn't listen (like most men)!

If only I can do this at work, I get ticked at my Doctor when he does insane things like trying to do a crown prep (a 90-minute procedure) when they only gave us 30 minutes. Running behind drives me batty!!!! I am a planner person and I am one who is at least 15 minutes or more when arriving somewhere. I hope my new attitude can be shifted over to the work place! I guess we shall see!

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Breaking Habits

They say it takes 6 weeks to break a habit....well I am going to put that to the test!  A friend at work was saying how she quit swearing and especially saying OMG.  I thought it would be a nice challenge for me to do the same. I know this is going to be hard since I'm so used to using OMG among other words.  So 6 weeks from now would be August 20th.  I pray I can do this.  There are so many things I need to change but I'm starting with this.  Wish me luck! or even better pray for me!

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Lot's To Think About

Well, I've been doing a lot of my Catholic Women's Bible, and I have to say I have been feeling a whole lot better about things!  I always know when the devil starts to creep into my life and that is when I go to my trusted companion, my bible. Try to read a chapter each day but when I feel things closing in on me I have my nose in the Bible a lot more!

Today at Mass Fr. Mark was talking about being gentle and how Christ was a gentle man he told the story of the woman caught in adultery and how the Jews wanted to stone her, after all, that was the law!  But trying to trip Jesus up (which didn't happen!) They brought her to Him and asked him what to do He, of course told them one of the most famous lines ever.......let he who is WITHOUT sin cast the first stone....eventually they all left and it was just her and Jesus, he told her she was forgiven and not to commit that sin again. It made me many times have I gone to confession and confessed the same sin over and over?  After we are forgiven we are not to commit that sin again yet we just keep doing it.

It was just weird that Fr. Mark brought that story up because it was the last thing I read last night in my trusty Bible....things have a way of coming around and slapping you in the face!  Not I have not committed adultry, but I have judged people and I have confessed the same sin over and over.  So I need to pay attention to what I am confessing and I need to stop judging people.  (In my defense, please do not think I  go around and judge people on a regular basis.)  I have lots to think's time for me to READ!!!!

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Palm Sunday

I love Palm Sunday! It's the beginning of Holy Week....we really wanted to go to Mass on Holy Thursday and Good Friday but I have a CPR class I have to be there goes Holy Thursday.....we can't make it to Good Friday either, maybe next year.  We had planned on going to at least one of the Stations of the Cross but it never worked out that we could go.

This year is an anniversary of sorts for my hubby he became Catholic last Easter. He is still learning....but is doing great!  He never has said that he didn't want to go to church and I think that is great and half the battle.  Some people are gun ho at first then they run out of steam after awhile, not him!!!

I will resume my Eucharistic ministering the Sunday after Easter.  I didn't do it all winter just because my hubby tends to been in the hospital during winter he has many health issues so it will be nice to get back to it, I have missed it.

Well I'm looking forward to the nicer weather and seeing old friends at Mass this Spring! We usually sit with Pat on Saturday night but she only comes during the warm months she is in her late 70's and has a bad leg she doesn't want to risk it in the Winter so it will be nice to get back to normal!

Sunday, March 19, 2017


Well we are in the midst of is my favorite time in the Church, I love all the things that go with it....the Stations of the Cross, Holy Thursday, Good Friday.....etc.  This year for Lent I gave up Facebook and to tell you the truth I am not missing it at all this could be the end of  Facebook for me!

My hubby didn't give up anything he added to.....he is praying everyday, that is what he is supposed to do but since he is a fairly new Catholic I will let it slide this year.  Maybe this will kick start him into praying every day like he is supposed to.  He's done really well with everything else so I can cut him some slack on this.

Lately I've been reading my bible, trying to read it at least once a day if not more.  I am under some stress and when that happens it always seems like the devil works his way into my head and makes me nervous, crabby, and snappy.  Hopefully by knowing this happens I can push him out of my head and back down to hell where he belongs. He has NO authority over me I am a child of God!