Sunday, March 23, 2014

Lent.....Not Doing So Well

Well we are three weeks into Lent and I have totally blown it on 2 consecutive Fridays!  I completely forgot and ate meat on Friday, how can this happen?  I must be brain dead.  Hopefully I will be able to get it together and be on my best behavior until Easter.

This year I didn't give up anything instead I decided to read a book on the Passion, well, that is going about as well as my not eating meat on Fridays!  I did good the first 2 days then.....nothing.  I really don't know what the deal is with me this year.  I'm just not "in to it" this year! This is so not like me, I am usually so scrupulous when it comes to my religion! Apparently not this year.

In my defense though, I have been pretty busy at work and all hell has broken out, we have had staff changes and our "office manager" and I use that term very loosely has just been awful to me.  She is not a nice person and she has no brains when it comes to running an office.  She spends more time on the phone to her grown kids that she does running the office!  Yes she is a thorn in my side and I'm not the only one that doesn't like her!  I wish the powers that be would crack down on her, but you can wish in one hand and....well you the rest!

I know I shouldn't let her ruin my day, week, month or year and I know I should forgive her for being a b***h but for whatever reason I feel the need to carry it around for a while.  I know better but I have such a bad temper and I do hold grudges for quite sometime another thing I need to work on!   Wow, I really need to get my stuff straight and quit letting her dictate my moods.  Just one more thing to work on.

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