Sunday, May 4, 2014

New Saints!

How exciting!  Two Popes that reigned during my lifetime!  St. John XXIII has always been one of my favorite Popes!  He was so progressive! He died when I was 5 years old.  St. John Paul II of course was a favorite of many, I think the whole world loved him!  He even traveled to Des Moines, IA  I was not able to attend but many from my parish St. John Vianney in Omaha, Ne. went.  I was given a print that depicts his visit in Des Moines by a former Catholic who had received it.  Since she knew I would love it she gave it to me!  I still need to get it matted and framed, I have the perfect place for it in my livingroom!

It is amazing that these two men were canonized together I don't think that this has every happened before in the history of the Catholic Church!  Wow what an honor to have lived at the same time these two men were Pope!  I feel so honored to be a part of a wonderful religion!  I can't imagine being anything than  Catholic.  I really appreciate and love my religion.  I just wish I would have appreciated the fact that my parents had sent us kids to Catholic school, I wish I would have paid more attention when I was in school, what a wealth of information I had before me, being taught by the Sisters of Mercy and our priests.  I guess kids don't think of those things when they are kids.....but I do have to thank my parents for the privilege of being able to attend a Catholic school!  Thanks Mom & Dad!!!

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