Saturday, July 8, 2017

Lot's To Think About

Well, I've been doing a lot of my Catholic Women's Bible, and I have to say I have been feeling a whole lot better about things!  I always know when the devil starts to creep into my life and that is when I go to my trusted companion, my bible. Try to read a chapter each day but when I feel things closing in on me I have my nose in the Bible a lot more!

Today at Mass Fr. Mark was talking about being gentle and how Christ was a gentle man he told the story of the woman caught in adultery and how the Jews wanted to stone her, after all, that was the law!  But trying to trip Jesus up (which didn't happen!) They brought her to Him and asked him what to do He, of course told them one of the most famous lines ever.......let he who is WITHOUT sin cast the first stone....eventually they all left and it was just her and Jesus, he told her she was forgiven and not to commit that sin again. It made me many times have I gone to confession and confessed the same sin over and over?  After we are forgiven we are not to commit that sin again yet we just keep doing it.

It was just weird that Fr. Mark brought that story up because it was the last thing I read last night in my trusty Bible....things have a way of coming around and slapping you in the face!  Not I have not committed adultry, but I have judged people and I have confessed the same sin over and over.  So I need to pay attention to what I am confessing and I need to stop judging people.  (In my defense, please do not think I  go around and judge people on a regular basis.)  I have lots to think's time for me to READ!!!!

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