Sunday, September 6, 2020

I Think I Am On The One Post Per Year Plan!


Oh so much has happened since my last post!  Last year was a hard one. I fell in my sister-in-law's basement 2 days after she passed away.  That was more than enough to handle but the fall resulted in a severe head injury I peeled back 11-1/2 inches of my scalp.  I had to have surgery to put myself back together.....2-1/2 hours!  I missed 2 weeks of work and I have no insurance!  IT was a huge burden for us, I didn't attend Mass during the healing process.  

I was also diagnosed with type 2 diabetes a couple of months before the head injury.  Of course, I denied it for a year.  Was made to go to the doctor because he would not renew my prescriptions (I also have high blood pressure).  He had me donate some blood and my A1c came back as a 9.1, not good should be around 6. I knew I was going to get chewed on so I decided to get a jump start before I saw him again in a month.  I had lost 20lbs before my appointment!  Yeah for me!  He was very impressed and didn't chew on me at all!  He said I was doing great and to keep it up!  Total positive experience!  I see him in 6 weeks and I am hoping to have 50lbs off by then.  I have to date lost a total of 37lbs! Year for me! I have 13lbs to go to hit 50lbs I'm hoping I can do that, AND hopefully my A1c is down!

Now enter COVID-19.  This shut my work down for  6 weeks. Thank the Lord we still got paid our regular salary otherwise I would have been homeless! That ended and I finally got back to work. I have a co-worker that does nothing but lies starts shit and is an asskisser.  She is also Catholic or should I say she is a former Catholic.  She walked up to me and told me I was a cannibal because I receive! She claims she didn't know that Jesus was present in the bread and wine.  Well if she didn't know that then why did she call me a cannibal?  She had to know because she called me a cannibal! She claims to be this holy person but she is the exact opposite!  Talk about working with Satan.....she is pure evil.  I am done with her she had better stay as far away from me as she can!  I know I should be forgiving her and Praying for her but this all is too new it will come. 

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