Saturday, November 9, 2013

Books I've Been Reading

A few weeks ago when I went to Mass our parish was handing out free books...."Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic" by Matthew Kelly.  I have to say it only took me a day to read it, it was pretty interesting.  After I finished the book I got online to see what else he had to offer.  The book titled "Rediscovering Catholicism" caught my eye, I knew I had to read it.  I went to work on Monday and told my co-worker and friend who is also Catholic said she thought her mom had been given a book after Mass and she thought it was that book.  She was right, she borrowed it from her mother so I could read it.   I was not really impressed with the book it was rather dry and hard to read.  I just kept reading chapter after chapter pretty soon I got to the middle of book, by then I was hooked, since it was a borrowed book I couldn't highlight so I did the next best thing I went to our local Half Price Book Store and I was in luck they had a copy!  I'm still not done with the book but at least I can now highlight now!

I think it's a book every Catholic should read.  I don't think a lot of Catholics actually know how beautiful our religion really is......The chapter I'm on now is about reconciliation, I know it's something people are not comfortable with, I have to admit it can be very scary especially if you have avoided it for long periods of time (like only going once a year).  Because of the this book I challenged myself.....I went to confession (as they used to call it).  I've never gone to reconciliation at my church...ever.  I usually go to another church to "air my dirty laundry".  It was intimidating to say  the least I was totally out of my comfort zone!!!  I hoped Father wouldn't recognize me....(if he did he didn't let on!).  I have to say I do prefer my "dirty laundry" priest to my parish priest. But the point is I took the challenge and I (Nike) "just did it".  I have to say it was liberating.  I always feel good after I confess my sins....and I forget that part of it I only remember the part where I get nervous and don't want to go in the "box".  I think I need to make myself more comfortable with reconciliation by going on a regular basis.  When I was attending Catholic school we HAD to go to confession every Friday whether we needed to or not. I don't remember being stressed out by going back then. I am sure my sins as an adult aren't any worse than they were when I was kid.  Anyway, I am going to make it a habit to get to confession at least once a month if not every other week.

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