Sunday, June 1, 2014


Now that I'm grown and have had children and grandchilden I have even more gratitude and appreciation for my parents....not only being my parents but the fact that they gave me the best religious foundation by way of the  Catholic Church.  I love and appreciate my religion, I can't imagine being anything but Catholic.  I can't tell you how many times that I have turned to God and my religion to help me through some of the toughest times in my life.

Attending Mass is so important to me. I need that connected feeling each week.  I actually get excited to go to Mass!  Why is it when you are a kid you just don't really care about was just a pain to get up and get dressed and spend (it seemed like eons) an hour at Mass?  I think some of it was because we had to attend Mass everyday but Saturday....6 out of 7 days!!!   I would give anything to be able to do that now!!!
But...I wouldn't feel the way I do now if it wasn't for my parents, my mother especially, she was a devout Catholic and her religion was as important to her it took her 9 years to become Catholic!!!  She died shortly after finally receiving her sacraments. So to honor her, I am faithful to attend Mass each week and more if I can.  I hope she would be proud of me!

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