Sunday, March 13, 2016

Only One More Class....

My hubby has only one more RCIA class which is on Palm Sunday....we are so looking forward to his acceptence into the Catholic Church. He made his first confession this past Saturday night, and we were able to see all of our old friends we usually sat with when we attended 5:00 pm Mass. It was so nice to see them again can't wait to worship with them after Easter!

My hubby opted to do a face to face confession!  Being a cradle Catholic all I have ever known was having my confession heard in the "closet", and to this day I still go to confession with the screen between me and our priest.  My hubby said it was a piece of cake....he said he would do face to face confesstion always!  Good for him....I will NEVER be able to do that!  I am glad that he has no fear of confession and my hope is he will go often.

We have decided that we will be going to Holy Thursday Mass so he can see what things are like, I went to Catholic school so all of this is old hat to me but it's all new to him. He is excited to learn more about his religion, I have to love that!

He will be receive his sacrements at the Easter Vigil which is at 8:00 pm on Saturday the 26th.  We sent out invitations and I was getting nervous we wanted them to RSVP ust by yesterday.....boy they waited till the last minute!!!  His dad, sister & her hubby, a cousin & his wife, my brother and our sponsors will be there. He has another sister that didn't even have the descendancy to let us know they were NOT coming...but that is the kind of person she is. I'm sure she would go up in flames if she crossed the threshold of the church.  I know that is not kind but this person is just plain evil. She has had numerous affairs and I'm sure her husband has done the same or so I've heard.  As you can tell I don't like her and she doesn't like me! I find it hard to see Christ in her or her husband.  So much sin between the two of them!  I guess I need to try and pray for them that would be the Christian thing to do.

Anyway we are excited about Easter and everything that goes with it.  I also get to distribute communion for the first time at the Vigil and I am so looking forward to doing that!  I'm so excited to be an Eucharistic Minister I've signed up for the next month of Saturday Masses and a few of them in May.

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